The pharmacopoeia is the first treatment of Chinese medicine in China. It is indeed considered more powerful than acupuncture. A true “national treasure”, this medicine, rich in more than 3000 years of know-how, works wonders in particular in the treatment of chronic diseases or heavy pathologies. It is also interesting in combination with acupuncture, whose effectiveness it complements and reinforces.

Chinese pharmacopoeia is one of the five pillars of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) along with acupuncture, dietetics, tuina massage and qi gong.

Chinese pharmacology relies on the combined effect of various components of the plant, and not on a single active principle like Western pharmacology. Moreover, plants are used in synergy. Therefore, a Chinese tea is always made up of several ingredients whose number varies according to the recipe. This synergy minimizes the side effects that could be caused by taking a single plant in large quantities.

These blends are prescribed by a Chinese doctor after diagnosis. Indeed, the preparations are personalized according to the person to be treated, his or her terrain, and his or her condition at a given moment. The Chinese doctor must therefore regularly review the prescription as the patient’s state of health changes.